Professional NRA & USCCA Certified Firearms Trainers - Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection, Reloading

Course Dates:  Instructor Course will be offered again in 2024 
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to take an instructor course, you must have completed BIT within the past 2 years and provide a certificate of completion for the NRA Basic of Pistol Shooting Instructor Led Training course) 

Your Name:  
Your Street Address:
City,  State,  Zip Code:
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:  
Birth date:                                                          MM/DD/YYYY
NRA Member No:
(Leave blank if you are not yet an instructor)
Current NRA Instructor Certifications & Date of Last Bit Course (month/Year):
STEP ONE:  Submit your registration form by clicking the button at right:  
STEP TWO:  Choose your method of payment.  
By submitting this registration you are certify that you are a US citizen or legal US resident and that you are not a convicted felon nor a person prohibited from possessing a firearm.